Maximise Customers’ Demand in Store
AI Suite to: Cluster Stores | Curate Assortments | Allocate space to categories | Track and remove in-store operational issues
Having worked globally at executive and board levels at retailers like Tesco, Colgate-Palmolive bp Pick n Pay Woolworths and Pepkor Holdings Limited there are few people better placed than Paula D. to speak about the continuous evolution of Category Management and how retailers can be even more customer centric in their offer. Spaces are limited. Please book your spot today.
Would you like machine learning to tell you how much sales leakage you have in each store through outdated category management systems and processes?
Sub-optimal category management means poorly assorted stores eroding customer trust as well as tying up your working capital with long tails of slow sellers. Also, there is no effective means to monitor and fix operational issues in stores.
RETAILIGENCE offers a rapid POC which will prove to you in just 4 weeks how you can pinpoint the exact products and stores missing potential and provide a machine learning driven solution to cluster, assort and
monitor your stores.
Easy to deploy and intuitive to use, we are certain you will find a
presentation and demo useful.
RETAILIGENCE is intuitive, user friendly and visual. It uses data without prejudice, unsupervised and without hindsight bias.
Instead of historical RETAILIGENCE is future facing and uses retailer data to drive itself and create a credible and optimal customer offer. The intelligent control tower monitors the store clusters and assortments and flags issues and suggests corrective measures.
Would you like to experience a customized demo, get answers to your specific questions and find out why RETAILIGENCE is the right choice for your organization?
You can also call us on +44 (0) 2035 732737, drop us a line at